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'''CENTRIC''' es una [[institución]]. == Presentación == {{cita |''CENTRIC is a multi-disciplinary and end-user focused research network, located within the Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute (C3RI) at Sheffield Hallam University. The global reach of the CENTRIC network now links both academic and professional expertise across a range of disciplines providing unique opportunities to progress ground-breaking research.'' ''The strategic aim of CENTRIC is to facilitate the triangulation between the four key stakeholders in the security domain;'' * ''Government'' * ''Academia'' * ''Public'' * ''Private industry'' ''The mission of CENTRIC is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, policy makers and the public to focus on applied research in the Security domain.'' |http://research.shu.ac.uk/centric/ }} == Historia == {{expandir}} == Funciones == {{expandir}} == Cargos == {{cargos por institución}} == Proyectos == {{expandir lista}} === TRANSRAD === {{expandir}} {{cita |''Transversal Bridge (TRANSRAD) is a two-year European Commission, Directorate General Home Affairs funded project addressing the emerging threat of transversal terrorist alliances for European nations and communities. TRANSRAD aims to detect and profile the emerging threat of transversal European radical groups and raise the awareness of institutional bodies and civil society at large on the risks potentially connected to these ‘radical bridges’. This project seeks to provide a new analytical grid to underpin the design of a strategic approach to counter these new and emerging threats.'' |http://research.shu.ac.uk/centric/index.php/research-projects/transrad }} El proyecto está liderado por [[Agenfor|Agenfor Italia]].<ref>http://research.shu.ac.uk/centric/index.php/research-projects/transrad</ref> == Véase también == * [[Lista de instituciones]] == Referencias == {{reflist}} == Noticias relacionadas == {{noticias relacionadas}} == Enlaces externos == {{enlaces externos}} {{instituciones}} [[Categoría:Instituciones]]
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