Diferencia entre revisiones de «Plantilla:Embeber wiki»

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url=https://{{{lang|{{{2|en}}}}}}.{{{family|{{{1|wikipedia}}}}}}.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&exchars={{{size|{{{4|1000}}}}}}&redirects=1&explaintext&titles={{#replace:{{{page|{{{3|Wikis}}}}}}| |_}}&format=json
url=https://{{{lang|{{{2|en}}}}}}.{{{family|{{{1|wikipedia}}}}}}.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts&exchars={{{size|{{{4|1000}}}}}}&sections={{{section|}}}&redirects=1&explaintext&titles={{#replace:{{{page|{{{3|Wikis}}}}}}| |_}}&format=json

Revisión de 16:00 19 ene 2016

A wiki ( WICK-ee) is a form of hypertext publication on the internet which is collaboratively edited and managed by its audience directly through a web browser. A typical wiki contains multiple pages that can either be edited by the public or limited to use within an organization for maintaining its internal knowledge base. Wikis are powered by wiki software, also known as wiki engines. Being a form of content management system, these differ from other web-based systems such as blog software or static site generators in that the content is created without any defined owner or leader. Wikis have little inherent structure, allowing one to emerge according to the needs of the users. Wiki engines usually allow content to be written using a lightweight markup language and sometimes edited with the help of a rich-text editor. There are dozens of different wiki engines in use, both standalone and part of other software, such as bug tracking systems. Some wiki engines are free and open-source...
Este fragmento se ha extraido de Wikipedia