Archivo:Vimeo - brandonjourdan - 71704435.jpg

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Detalles del archivo
ArchivoEste archivo está embebido desde un servicio externo y no está subido a 15Mpedia.
DescripciónDescripción proveniente de Vimeo: This short documentary is a rare behind-the-scenes look at Summer 2013 Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, Turkey.

In late May 2013, political unrest swept across Turkey. In Istanbul, a large part of the central Beyoğlu district became a battle zone for three consecutive weeks with conflicts continuing afterward. The protests were initially aimed at rescuing Istanbul’s Gezi Park from being demolished as part of a large-scale urban renewal project. The police used extreme force during a series of police attacks that began on May 28th 2013 and which came to a dramatic head in the early morning hours of Friday May 31st when police attacked protesters sleeping in the park. As the images of the heavy-handed policing spread across the world, the protests quickly transformed into a popular uprising against the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his style of authoritarian rule. This short documentary tells the story of the occupation of Gezi Park, the eviction on July 15, 2013, and the protests that have continued in the aftermath. It includes interviews with many participants and footage never before seen.

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FuenteTaksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey en Vimeo
Fecha de creaciónSin datos [+] (Fecha de publicación: 4 de agosto de 2013)
Autoríabrandon jourdan en Vimeo
LicenciaLicencia Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 de Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
Tamaño0 bytes (archivo embebido)
CoordenadasSin datos [+]
Palabra(s) claveIstanbul, Gezi Park, #Gezi Park, direngezi, turkey, protests, revolt, global uprisings, anti-capitalist, documentary, brandon jourdan, Erdoğan, Tayyip, marianne maeckelbergh, 2013, riots, eviction, occupy, occupy gezi

Historial del archivo

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Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
act15:15 8 dic 2014Miniatura de la versión de 15:15 8 dic 20141 280 × 720 (178 KB)BotQuincemayista (Discusión | contribuciones){{Infobox Archivo |embebido=Vimeo |embebido id=71704435 |embebido usuario=brandonjourdan |embebido título=Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey |descripción={{descripción de vimeo|1=This short documentary is a rare behind-the-scenes l...

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