Asamblea General de Beşiktaş

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La Asamblea General de Beşiktaş es una asamblea de Occupy Gezi en el distrito de Beşiktaş de Estambul, Turquía.

Sus reuniones tienen lugar en la plaza ...


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Yesterday, the General Assembly of Besiktas, issued a list of principles. It’s nothing official, it’s just an attempt to put the spirit of Gezi Park into words. Slightly paraphrased, this is it.
  1. We refuse all discrimination and humiliation among humans and other living beings.
  2. We are a peaceful community. We will not provoke violence, but we reserve the right to legitimate self defense.
  3. There is no other thing than freedom that inspires us. We have no other interest beside social justice. We are guided only by what we hold to be true. There is no organization that represents us.
  4. In our movement there will be no leaders, no hierarchy and no titles.
  5. Everyone who participates in our working groups will be personally accountable towards the community.
  6. We stand together with everyone who resists, anywhere in the world. Our biggest aim is to raise solidarity by uniting around commons aims, and to continue our struggle.
Política Internacional 15M via Facebook, 24 de junio de 2013[1]

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Mayo · Junio


Ciudades: Ankara · Estambul

Barrios y distritos: Besiktas · Kadikoy · Lice

Parques y plazas: Parque Gezi · Plaza Taksim · Yoğurtçu Parkı




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Documentales: Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey


Recep Tayyip Erdoğan · Melih Gökçek · Hüseyin Avni Mutlu

Partidos: AKP


Armas: Cañón de agua · Gas lacrimógeno · Pelotas de goma · Spray de pimienta

Muertos: Ahmet Atakan · Mehmet Ayvalıtaş · Abdullah Cömert · Zeynep Eryaşar · Serdar Kadakal · Ali İsmail Korkmaz · Selim Önder · Mustafa Sarı · Ethem Sarısülük · İrfan Tuna · Medeni Yıldırım

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Caferağa Mahalle Evi · Don Kişot

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