Lista de escudos de países de Europa

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Todos los escudos de países de Europa.

Escudos de países de Europa

País Escudo
Albania Albania state emblem.svg
Alemania Coat of Arms of Germany.svg
Andorra Coat of arms of Andorra.svg
Austria Austria Bundesadler.svg
Bielorrusia Official coat of arms of the Republic of Belarus.jpg
Bosnia y Herzegovina Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
Bulgaria Coat of arms of Bulgaria.svg
Bélgica Great Coat of Arms of Belgium.svg
Chipre Coat of Arms of Cyprus.svg
Ciudad del Vaticano C o a Vatican City.svg
Croacia Croatian Coat of Arms.svg
Dinamarca National Coat of arms of Denmark.svg
Eslovaquia Coat of Arms of Slovakia.svg
Eslovenia Coat of Arms of Slovenia.svg
Estonia Coat of arms of Estonia.svg
Finlandia Coat of arms of Finland.svg
Francia Armoiries république française.svg
Grecia Coat of arms of Greece.svg
Hungría Coat of Arms of Hungary.svg
Irlanda Coat of arms of Ireland.svg
Islandia Coat of arms of Iceland.svg
Italia Italy-Emblem.svg
Kazajistán Emblem of Kazakhstan.svg
Kosovo Coat of arms of Kosovo.svg
Letonia Coat of Arms of Latvia.svg
Liechtenstein Staatswappen-Liechtensteins.svg
Lituania Coat of Arms of Lithuania.svg
Luxemburgo Greater coat of arms of the grand-duchy of Luxembourg.svg
Macedonia del Norte Coat of arms of North Macedonia.svg
Malta Coat of arms of Malta.svg
Moldavia Coat of arms of Moldova.svg
Montenegro Coat of arms of Montenegro.svg
Mónaco Coat of arms of Monaco.svg
Noruega Coat of Arms of Norway.svg
Países Bajos State coat of arms of the Netherlands.svg
Polonia Herb Polski.svg
Portugal Coat of arms of Portugal.svg
Reino Unido Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.svg
República Checa Coat of arms of the Czech Republic.svg
Rumanía Coat of arms of Romania.svg
San Marino Coat of arms of San Marino.svg
Serbia Coat of arms of Serbia.svg
Suecia Coat of Arms of Sweden.svg
Suiza Coat of Arms of Switzerland (Pantone).svg
Ucrania Lesser Coat of Arms of Ukraine.svg

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