'''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:'' … '''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:''''' #stopevictions
The Platform of Citizens Affected by Mortgages (PAH) presents a new campaign to reclaim solutions to the dramatic housing crisis. The PAH will hold peaceful demonstrations ("escraches") in electoral events during the European Parliament elections campaign.
Since 2009 the PAH has been fighting to secure the right to adequate housing, and has denounced the dramatic consequences of the abusive mortgage law. In Spain, homeowners are liable for 40% of the valuation of the house, plus interests and judicial costs, even once their house has been foreclosed.
This leaves evicted families with huge life-long debts. In a country with 27 percent unemployment rate, the consequences of this law are dramatic. Since the start of the crisis, there have been 500,000 foreclosures and 184 evictions per day, and the situation of hundreds of thousands of families is critical. Many lives are at stake.
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Palabra clave
Sabadell +
, sabadell +
, Obra Social PAH +
, obrasocialpah +
, Stop Desahucios +
, stopdesahucios +
, Stop Desnonaments +
, stopdesnonaments +
, Stop Evictions +
, stopevictions +
, PAH +
, pah +
, afectados por la hipoteca +
, afectadosporlahipoteca +
, hipoteca +
, mortgage victims +
, mortgagevictims +
, desahucio +
, desalojo +
, desnonament +
, dación en pago +
, dacionenpago +
, crisis +
, usura +
, burbuja inmobiliaria +
, burbujainmobiliaria +
, resistencia pacifica +
, resistenciapacifica +
, reocupació +
, reocupacio +
, reapropiación ciudadana +
, reapropiacionciudadana +
, rescate ciudadan@ +
, rescateciudadan@ +
, vivienda social +
, viviendasocial +
, Terrassa +
, terrassa +
, 15M +
, 15m +
, @ObraSocial_PAH +
, @obrasocialpah +
, #EP2014 +
, ep2014 +
, escrache +
, #escracheReloaded +
, escrachereloaded +
, europa +
, Europe +
, europe +
, european elections +
, europeanelections +
, Partido Popular +
, partidopopular +
, Cañete +
, cañete +
, #stopevictions +
, Ada Colau +
, adacolau +
, civil desobedience +
, civildesobedience +