'''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:'' … '''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:''''' A few months back, we sent a video message to members of parliament to give them a glimpse of our reality before voting on the ILP, the Citizens' Initiative (
A bit later, we addressed the voters of the PP (People's Party) to let them know that we weren't the enemy. This message was a direct response to the campaign by the PP government to criminalize the PAH and its spokesperson, Ada Colau (
This time, we've decided to speak directly to the President himself, Mariano Rajoy, and we've done it using the same format he's been using to communicate with the Spanish people and the press: through a plasma TV screen.
What we're proposing is some serious reflection on what democracy is and isn't, and also to open a debate which moves beyond our demands as a movement that defends the right to housing. The process by which a Citizens' Initiative which had the support of a majority of the population was twisted and "evicted" only shows that this country is a democracy in name only.
As long as a Government chosen by the people continues to depend and kowtow before a financial system which doesn't see, understand, or care about people, it will be impossible to achieve a "government of the people and for the people". Our democracy has been hijacked, and the only thing that can rescue it is a people, united.
"We're doing what we have to do," is the phrase that sums up the lack of real action from our president. For whom, exactly, are you doing what you have to do? A market whose hunger will never be satisfied? President Rajoy, we're going to use the same phrase on you: "We're doing what we have to do," but to save lives, protect basic rights and fight for the well-being of all people.
Thanks to Silvia González-Laá, Iván Domínguez, Lluis Mestres, Miguel Martínez Shaw, Xavier Andreu, Xavier Mestres and Agus for the production of this video.and Agus for the production of this video.
Palabra clave
Sabadell +
, sabadell +
, Obra Social PAH +
, obrasocialpah +
, Stop Desahucios +
, stopdesahucios +
, Stop Desnonaments +
, stopdesnonaments +
, Stop Evictions +
, stopevictions +
, PAH +
, pah +
, afectados por la hipoteca +
, afectadosporlahipoteca +
, hipoteca +
, mortgage victims +
, mortgagevictims +
, desahucio +
, desalojo +
, desnonament +
, dación en pago +
, dacionenpago +
, crisis +
, usura +
, burbuja inmobiliaria +
, burbujainmobiliaria +
, resistencia pacifica +
, resistenciapacifica +
, reocupació +
, reocupacio +
, reapropiación ciudadana +
, reapropiacionciudadana +
, rescate ciudadan@ +
, rescateciudadan@ +
, vivienda social +
, viviendasocial +
, Terrassa +
, terrassa +
, 15M +
, 15m +
, @ObraSocial_PAH +
, @obrasocialpah +
, mani#16D +
, mani16d +
, #blocCX +
, bloccx +
, #blocUNIM +
, blocunim +
, Mariano Rajoy +
, marianorajoy +
, housing rights +
, housingrights +
, Spain +
, spain +
, evictions +
, mortages +