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Archivo:YouTube - ferbrooks - CVGX90 EfAY.jpg
Archivo Archivo:YouTube - ferbrooks - CVGX90 EfAY.jpg +
Autor <span class="plainlinks">[https://www.youtube.com/user/ferbrooks ferbrooks]</span> en [[YouTube]]
Descripción '''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:'''''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:''''' #spanishrevolution & #15M movements. First on a series of videos about the unexpected #Spanish #Revolution that took place in Spain third largest city: Valencia. The people from Valencia loves the music and the art, this way the revolution takes the artistic soul of all the Valencian people. Some 10,000 protesters gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square Wednesday 15th of May to demand jobs, economic equality, and "real democracy"... The next day the double it. "La Puerta del Sol in Madrid is now the country's Tahrir Square, and the Arab Spring has been joined by what is now bracing to become a long European Summer," writes Pablo Ouziel in Political Affairs. Spaniards are protesting ahead of the upcoming elections, when they will vote for new municipal councils and regional governments across the country in hopes of replacing policies they've largely been unhappy with. Much of the movement has been coordinated by the youth organization Democracia Real Ya online, which has used the rallying cry: "We're not merchandise in the hands of bankers and politicians!" Protesters gathered not only in Madrid but also in the cities of Sevilla, Granada and Valencia. Although a large segment of the population did not participate, many demonstrators referred to the protests as a "Spanish Revolution." Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's ruling Socialist Party said they were "alarmed" by the protesters, fearing them to be disaffected left-wing supporters who would abandon the party on election day. Mariano Rajoy, leader of the conservative Popular Party, which wins past elections, said he understood the protesters' motives. Thousands of protesters in Plaza del Ayuntamiento in Valencia, Spain. It covers the 20 of May at daylight, the day protests that have been declared illegal and prohibited by the Spanish Junta Central Electoral (National Electoral Council). Map of the protests: maps.google.es/ ​maps/​ ms?hl=es&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=205976308653394303604.0004a38f170f195567f97&source=e­mbed&ll=40.178873,-3.14209&spn=10.001879,23.269043&z=6.14209&spn=10.001879,23.269043&z=6
Duración 9:30  +
Duración en segundos 570  +
Embebido YouTube +
Embebido id CVGX90_EfAY  +
Embebido título #Spanishrevolution @Valencia 20th of May at daylight #1
Embebido usuario ferbrooks  +
Fecha de publicación 26 mayo 2011  +
Fecha de publicación string 2011-05-26  +
Licencia Licencia de YouTube estándar[[Categoría:Licencia de YouTube estándar]]
Palabra clave spanishrevolution  + , spanish  + , revolution  + , 15m  + , sol  + , nolesvotes  + , valencia  + , spain  + , ayuntamiento  + , megaphone  + , garcia  + , musique  + , lorca  + , brooks  + , child  + , baby  + , kids  + , play  + , happy  + , acampadasol  + , revolución  + , democracia  + , real  + , ya  + , nonosvamos  + , globalcamp  + , revolucion  +
Tamaño 0  +
Tipo de archivo Embedded +
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