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Archivo:YouTube - terrydatiger - WmJmmnMkuEM.jpg
Archivo Archivo:YouTube - terrydatiger - WmJmmnMkuEM.jpg +
Autor <span class="plainlinks">[https://www.youtube.com/user/terrydatiger terrydatiger]</span> en [[YouTube]]
Descripción '''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:'''''''Descripción proveniente de YouTube:''''' Title says all. During peacefully Occupy Movement, police came in to tear down tents and proceeded to arrest students who stood in their way. Once students peacefully demanded the release of the arrested, a police officer unnecessarily pepper sprays the students to open a path for the rest of the officers *UPDATE* The officer who sprayed the students was UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike Lieutenant John Pike - (530) 752-3989-Police Station # Email: [email protected] Annette M. Spicuzza, UC Davis Police Chief (530) 752-3113 Chancellor Linda Katehi (530) 752-2065 email: [email protected] http://chancellor.ucdavis.edu/messages/2011/taskforce_111911.html *UPDATE* Please sign the petition for the Chancellors Katehi's resignation! http://www.change.org/petitions/police-pepper-spray-peaceful-uc-davis-students-ask-chancellor-katehi-to-resign I was just sent this by a fellow YouTuber giving us pretty interesting information about what occurred on Friday Nov 18 http://studentactivism.net/2011/11/20/ten-things-you-should-know-about-fridays-uc-davis-police-violencenow-about-fridays-uc-davis-police-violence
Duración 8:34  +
Duración en segundos 514  +
Embebido YouTube +
Embebido id WmJmmnMkuEM  +
Embebido título Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis
Embebido usuario terrydatiger  +
Fecha de publicación 18 noviembre 2011  +
Fecha de publicación string 2011-11-18  +
Licencia Licencia de YouTube estándar[[Categoría:Licencia de YouTube estándar]]
Palabra clave Davis  + , davis  + , UC Davis  + , ucdavis  + , Pepper Spray  + , pepperspray  + , Students pepper sprayed  + , studentspeppersprayed  +
Tamaño 0  +
Tipo de archivo Embedded +
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